Pearls Along The Heavenly Path


24H 24MIN

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Availability ended 10/31/2023 EDT
Pearls Along the Heavenly Path
The movie was filmed between November 2015 and July 2016. Its objective was to document how love impacted the lives of 180 orphans with disabilities in the orphanage aptly named “The House of Love”. The movie documented why Ms. Ge Jie founded “The House of Love” and how she, for the next 18 years, loved and cared for 180 babies who were abandoned by the parents because they were born with disabilities. Mr. Xie is hoping that through this movie, the world can see that these disabled children are all precious in God’s eyes, and that they deserve to live and grow into their full potential. Although their own parents abandoned these children because of their disabilities, Ms. Ge, being filled with God’s love, volunteered to raise them as if they were her own, and undertook a lifelong commitment to love and care for all of them. All lives are precious. We should not abandon babies because they have disabilities. We should not judge that certain babies are not worthy to live, to be loved, or grow up in a loving environment. We should marvel at the beauty of each life, and not deprive the babies’ chance to live a full and happy life, disabilities notwithstanding.


Directed by Mr. Xie Xuejun

Written by Mr. Xie Xuejun

Production Company Mr. Xie Xuejun

Produced by Mr. Xie Xuejun

Cast Ms. Ge Jie

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